
Umno's non-stop political games go into overdrive

And there are many who think that Dr M has thrown a fox into the chicken coop or set a cat among the canaries by

bringing up the Hudud issue to throw Pakatan into disarray and break the momentum of public support for Pakatan.

Dr M is sharp but not sharp enough.  For the Pakatan leaders are now alert to his cunning ways and mind-bending schemes

and know that his main motive is to destabilise Pakatan.

With this in mind, no one in Pakatan is going to embark on any foolish move as all Pakatan leaders can read his ploy

and will not do anything silly to jeopardise the good working relationship and co-operation between all three Pakatan

component parties.

Therefore, the raising of the Hudud issue will not break-up Pakatan.  Fullstop.  It is just a storm in a teacup.

Another reason for Dr M to raise the Hudud issue is to assist in the revival of MCA as this issue presents an excellent

opportunity for MCA to be a Chinese hero by voicing out the so-called Chinese fears of Hudud.

The Chinese, for that matter is not so perturbed over Hudud as logic dictates that it is only a law affecting the

Muslims and has nothing whatsoever to do with the Chinese.  Of course if the Chinese is a Muslim, then it is his

religious duty and religious obligation to support Hudud.

Thus, the raising of the Hudud issue is only a shadow-play to woo the Chinese vote, the last bastion of votes which so

far have eluded Umno's grasp and continues to be as elusive as ever.

The Chinese are not concerned with Hudud as with the issue of the rising cost of living especially the price of basic

necessities and foodstuffs. Housewives in the wet market are complaining that the price of everything have gone up by

leaps and bounds and that the Ringgit is getting increasingly smaller these days.

The Hudud issue is non-existent in the minds of the Chinese.  Therefore, the myth that the Chinese are very afraid of

Hudud is only just that – a myth.  What the Chinese are afraid of is the prices of goods continuously rising higher

and higher by the week and this shrinks the money in their pocket.

Be that as it may, the attempt to drive a wedge between DAP and PAS via the Hudud issue is a good ploy by Dr M, good

but not brilliant.  It is to be commended of course, from the strategy point of view, coming so dangerously close to

the general election.

But in the era of new politics, the citizens are not as gullible as during the old days.  Umno has to realise this and

while it can be said that they never tire of throwing spanners in the works of Pakatan, their actions are futile as the

citizens can detect Umno's never-ending games while the management and administration of the nation is running on


Although the mainstream media tries to play-up the non-existent feud between PAS and DAP over the Hudud issue, their

efforts will prove to be in vain as many readers of the mainstream media take the news with a pinch of salt.

Of course the rural folks will be deceived but in the end truth will prevail as the issues raised by Umno die out one

by one.  A case in point is the issue pertaining to the Christian Prime Minister because till to-date, there is no

Christian Prime Minister or even the semblance of one forthcoming.  And so this issue has died a natural death as it

has run its course and outlived its usefulness.

In the end, there is only one way for Umno to win the general election: via the power of money.  Umno has no other way

except to buy their way through and enlist the aid of foreign workers.

This then is the hallmark of a dying regime trying to extend its lifeline on the seat of power.  Week in, week out,

there will be issues raised by Umno to attack Pakatan. They go into overdrive and work overtime trying to topple

Pakatan and so the management of the economy goes on the back-burner.  All these came about due to the political

tsunami of 2008.

Why is this so?  A Chinese saying comes to mind: When you kill your enemy, make sure he dies properly.  This is so that

he does not recover to cause chaos later.  This then is what happened in 2008.

If Umno was annihilated in 2008, there would not be these problems today.  But Umno was not wiped out and so they have

recovered to cause trouble for the Opposition.  This means that the sorry state of affairs today is due in no small

part to the Malaysian voters who did not annihilate Umno totally in 2008.

