
Chicken Coop Proposal Ruffles Feathers In Gastonia

GASTONIA, NC- "I did not forsee any problems at all.  I just thought it would go through, we would get the permit, we would build a coop, we would have chickens and life would go on without any problems," said Dwayne Johnson, a Gastonia resident.

Johnson and his partner, Brian Giampaoli, put a bid in to the City of Gastonia.

They want to build a chicken coop to house up to 20 hens on this 3-acre estate in the historic district of Gastonia.

"I think, for someone to spend 20,000 dollars on a chicken coop is... most people would probably think it's outrageous, but we have to do that in order to maintain the architecture and the style our home is built around," said Giampaoli.

Their plea... they say the chickens would help the community be more "green".

The chicken would produce daily fresh eggs and compost from their waste.

The City of Gastonia sent a denial letter to Johnson in May stating "Your site plan appears to be in compliance with the applicable requirements of section 10-18 of the livestock ordinance."

But, the bid was still denied.

Johnson thinks this letter is more subjective than objective. The letter goes on to state that the animals are likely to seriously interfere with the neighboring properties because of noise and odor.

Johnson and Giampaoli’s neighbors agree.

It's not the country. It is in the city and we just didn't want it back there," said

Kristine DeJong.

DeJong and her husband Ronald sent a letter to the city stating they don't want the coop because it's too close to their home.

Others neighbors with nearby property think the chickens could decrease property value.

"You apply for your chicken permit. We say we don't want it and the powers that be will make a decision based on that," said DeJong.

At this point, Johnson and Giampaoli say that's not enough because the denial was uneducated and unfair.

"A baby's diaper stinks if you don't change it. So, if you have an animal and you don't take care of them, then of course they're going to stink. Dogs stink, cats stink," said Johnson.
Johnson  filed an appeal to the city's denial last week.

He's told a meeting is being set up with him and the assistant county manager to discuss the appeal.

If the coop is denied again, they plan to pursue legal action against the city of Gastonia.

